Project Scope

A mine in South Australia experienced a catastrophic shaft failure where a loaded skip fell down the shaft, reducing their production by 80%.

MCA Engineering put forward a proposal and within days were fully mobilised ready to work. Working 24/7 for 8 months MCA removed and replaced 480 tonnes of steel including 260T of Guide Ropes.

It was a huge achievement by MCA and all other personal involved to get the shaft back into production.

Work With Us

MCA offer a wide range of services including concept design studies, detailed design, fabrication and construction. For more information, please contact us to discuss how we can assist you with your next project.


Year: 2010

Client, Project, Location:
BHP Billiton, Clarke Shaft Recovery, Olympic Dam SA

Contact Type: Schedule of Rates

Role: Subcontract

Contract Value: $8.8 million

Our services