Project Scope

MCA was engaged by Northparkes Mine (NPM) for the SMP Construction of their Secondary Crusher.

This contract had MCA supplying the Labour and equipment under a self-managed model with NPM. This team consisted management team inclusive of Project Managers all the way through to Technical Advisor’s.

Construction Activities

These works included the construction of:

  • Screen building: All aspects of the SMP, inclusive of install of the banana screen, storage bins, handling system, dust scrubber system as well as all hydraulics and services.
  • Crusher building: All aspects of the SMP, inclusive of the crusher, dust scrubber unit, services and all storage bins and chutes.
  • Conveyor handling system: Including gantry modules, ground modules and all associated tie ins required and completed in planned outages.
Project Downloads
Work With Us

MCA offer a wide range of services including concept design studies, detailed design, fabrication and construction. For more information, please contact us to discuss how we can assist you with your next project.


Year: 2020 – 2021

Client, Project, Location:
Northparkes, Surface Secondary Crusher, Parkes NSW

Contact Type: Self-Managed / Schedule of Rates

Role: Subcontract

Contract Value: $6.8 million

Our services
